FAQ Returning


 Can I return my order?

You can do this within the period of 30 days, view our return policy to see if you comply with this.
How many days do I have to return my order?

You have 30 days to return your order

How do I get the return form?
The return form is included in the package as standard. This is to make the return process much easier for you as a customer.

I lost my return form, what now?

You have lost your return form. Don't worry, on our site you will find a digital return request that you can fill in HERE

Are returns also free?

Yes, both shipping and returning the items are completely free.
To which address can I return my package?

You can return the package to the address stated on the return form.

Scheepmakersstraat 2
Unit 0.8
3334 KG Zwijndrecht
South Holland
The Netherlands