FAQ Sending & Delivery



Do you deliver the items at home?

We work through external carriers such as PostNL. They deliver your package to the address you entered on our site. Whether at home or at a business address.

Which countries do you ship to?
We ship to almost every country in the world, with a few exceptions. If you want to be sure that we deliver in your country, send us an email customerservice@classyfrank.com.

What is the estimated delivery time?

The estimated delivery time for the Netherlands is every working day before 6 p.m. and is delivered within three to four days. We are also dependent on our external carrier PostNL through which our parcel distribution goes.

Why is your delivery time 3 to 4 days?

The reason that the delivery time with us is three to 4 working days is because we really check your order completely, to make sure that it is the right package. We also take the processing, packaging and shipping of your item very seriously. As a result, we have decided to set the delivery time to 3 to 4 days, to ensure that everything is properly arranged and handled.
'Pure luxury takes time'

  Can I still change my address or details after placing my order?

After placing your order, your address cannot be changed. We do our best to have your order delivered to you by our partner as soon as possible. That is why there is a good chance that we have already processed your order
You can use the track & trace code, which you received by email, to see what the expected delivery time is, and to contact PostNL if necessary. Maybe they can do something for you!